Thursday, April 18, 2013

Who Invented The Radio?

Several researchers have been associated with the invention of radio like Marconi, Popov, Hertz, Sir Oliver lodge and James clerk Maxwell. Their inventions and discoveries led to introduction and utilization of radio transmission in different walks of life. The years 1911 to 1930 saw the development of radio from a basic design to broadcasting stations.

Achievements of some such scientists are:

Guglielmo Marconi - He demonstrated feasibility of radio communications. Radio signal was sent and received first in 1895 and across English Channel in 1899. Radio telegraph was tested in 1902.

Nicola Tesla - He made the basic design of radio in 1892. In the year 1898, he designed a radio controlled robotic boat.

Alecxander Popov - He designed a radio receiver with coherer in 1894.

Sir Oliver Lodge - He perfected the design of coherer which was the basis of a radio telegraph receiver and also the first to successfully transmit a radio signal.

Reginald Fessenden - He achieved the first radio transmission in 1900, 2-way radio transmission across Atlantic in 1906, and used radio broadcast for entertainment in the same year.

Heinrich Hertz - a German physicist who proved the existence of electromagnetic waves in the year 1888 using a system that created and detected UHF waves.

Amos Dolbear - He invented wireless telegraphy in 1882.

Mahlon Loomis - He established wireless communication in the year 1868 between 2 places that were 14 to 18 miles apart.

Nathan Stubblefield - He successfully transmitted human voice through wireless telephone.

James Clerk Maxwell - He was the first to put forth the concept of presence of radio waves based on which Einstein proposed the theory of relativity.

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