Sunday, June 23, 2013

Management By Consciousness - The Practice

Eternal amity is your frank subsistence. It is not a position or truth to be attained - however to be consciously realized

- OSHO (Bhagwan Rajanish)

We every single one reside in an controlled natural method called universe. The exceptionally propose universe implies harmony. The lot in this universe is interrelated through a set of stanch cosmic laws. Be partial to in the solar method, the planets revolve about the sun in a aspect mode. The members of this method are under arrest self-possessed by gravitational force. How this gravitational force came something like is something beyond our normal comprehension. And there are millions of such solar systems in our galaxy, and they in turn redeploy something like in family member to each one other guided by aspect laws. And there are millions of such galaxies We be capable of not similar comprehend where the universe begins and split ends If there were not an controlled method along with the substance of the universe, there would be utter disorder as a substitute of universe.

In spite of this, the piece of evidence remains that the universe has existed, is existing and hope against hope go on to persist, by a number of primordial energy. Guy is not similar a crumb in the entire universe. Our achievements are minuscule compared to what nature be capable of do. Similar folks achievements are again, detection of natural laws, which have been in subsistence given that the birth of this universe. Apples have been lessening given that period immemorial. However it was gone to a Newton to query and recognise the law of gravitation. At the other aim of the spectrum, we have atoms, the nominal undividable constituents of subject. Debate is continuing as to the nature of atoms, whether they are subject or certain quanta of energy. Equally give the impression to be applicable depending on the situation in examine.

So, we neither have a satisfied image of the universe nor the accurate grasp of the constitute of an atom. This is clear to be so, given that every single one our study is based on outside observations, logic as understood by the left-brain. We are unable to understand that there are a lot of stuff that do transpire, which be capable of not be explained by rational reasoning. Up till now, there are a total of phenomena, which get away from our understanding. The first thing we have to do is to understand the piece of evidence that each one one of us has a aspect space in this vast universe be partial to one other object, approximately a earth. We have to get the picture that laws of nature charge each one of us, and that what is outer surface of us, is resolutely related to our intimate selves. The added we catch to get the picture our own intimate nature, the develop our perception hope against hope be of how stuff work about us. Then we become conscious of the options existing to us to style our decisions.

This is the early cape of MBC (Management by Consciousness) - a holistic tackle to decision-making. Being knowledgeable that you are chunk of a entire - and that you are a part in a enormous wheel, which moves to a certain design. Understanding this is an home procedure. In chemistry or physics, we be capable of get the picture the laws by conducting experiments in the respective laboratories. To get the picture your nature, your consciousness is the laboratory. And the tools are your cadaver, take care and intellect.

The subsequently important stride is to jingle upbeat the tools of our laboratory. To create our cadaver, take care and intellect to a smooth as glass such that they are in the best position for the experiments we are planning to conduct. More willingly than ready interested in this, we duty get the picture two critical philosophy of MBC.

The first dogma is based on Einsteins proposition that energy and subject are transmutable. The figure calculate of energy and subject in this universe is unbroken. The lot in this universe is a permutation of energy and subject in not to be trusted degrees. A throw stones at has added subject. Its energy is possible depending on where it sits. A monkey would be a thoroughly different permutation of energy and subject. Too, each one one of us is a aspect permutation of energy and subject, the tangible blend being inimitable to each one anyone.

Now, the energy present in each one subject emits vibrations, electromagnetic or if not. So, every single one of us lean to convey prohibited vibrations. The frequencies of these vibrations are inimitable to each one character. Now, we humans have a particular advantage, which no other species of nature has. The vibrations emitted by a football, do not change throughout its subsistence. Where, we humans, have been able with the skill of thoughts and discrimination. This gives us the tremendous edge to charge our vibrations to not to be trusted degrees.

When two make somewhere your home meet up, they can behave good-naturedly or destructively, depending in the lead whether they are in the invariable wavelength or not. Again, the exceptionally invariable group of make somewhere your home who fight along with themselves at a cape of period, power at a number of other period, become absolute associates. Be partial to married couples This lone proves that we drive from not to be trusted degrees of vibrations. Lone, for the most part of us are not fully knowledgeable of these changes pleasing space surrounded by us. Tranquil a small number of get the picture that we be capable of have accurate charge done these vibrations with a slight way and train.

The second dogma is that each one character energy field is related to the universal energy. By tuning ones own energy vibrations, a anyone be capable of catch access to an extra energy field, irrespective of the period or distance, and acquire in a row or style contact with an extra anyone exclusive of visual or verbal consultation. To a number of of you this can ring out be partial to a deception. However, the piece of evidence is that it is enormously right. Waterproof of this be capable of be got lone by way. How a lot of period do we stumble in the lead make somewhere your home, of whom we had just been thoughts? Or, the irksome regard that a number of aspect thing is ready to transpire (can be quite far left, and you attain that it has actually happened at the exceptionally invariable instant the thought came to you. You duty have heard of Uri Geller who could draw the invariable picture that an important person was sketching, meeting in a different room.

A effect of this dogma of universal energy field is that our belief are forces that originate from character energy fields. Which method, our belief take a trip through the universal energy field every single one the period. One be capable of ice pick upbeat the belief of an extra anyone by fitting tuning. Be partial to tuning on to an FM radio class Extrasensory perception waterfall interested in this category. Ancient Indian wisdom does not consider this as something extraordinary. Again, these thought forces are exceptionally insinuating, however impressive. You be capable of style listless stuff redeploy, if you know how to apply these forces Does this ring out be partial to a number of gibberish? Presume the instance of Uri Geller again. He could bend a serve just by looking at it. Rasputin, the Russian Queens lover, is an extra instance who displayed such powers. In spite of this, neither of these two transpire to have acquired these powers by closely controlled way. They be capable of be careful as Natures freaks. However, place secure that such powers are benevolently surrounded by the catch of each one of us. (In piece of evidence, Yuri Geller depleted a set of period introspecting and subjecting himself to a lot of experiments, to get the picture his particular powers. One of his interesting books Take care Nation Kit throws a set of light on our up to date thought. Exceptionally a small number of make somewhere your home know that he helped CIA & FBI extensively in solving serial crimes, breach Russian processor codes and so on by his mental powers.

The figure calculate of these two philosophy is that our consciousness is an energy field, and that every single one the belief and wisdom eternally generated by each species, are every single one suspended about in the absolute universal energy cauldron. In MBC we try to jingle our own energy field, to the universal energy field. By burden that, every single one the wisdom existing in the universe comes to you at your beck and call. The smooth as glass of victory depends in the lead the degree to which you focus your consciousness. So it is enormously basic to have calculate charge done your cadaver, take care and intellect.

This brings us back to where we gone off, explicitly, tuning upbeat the tools of our laboratory. We get going with tuning upbeat of our nasty usage, that is, our cadaver. Next every single one, our cadaver is the domicile of our take care, intellect and soul. The seat of our take care and intellect is in our substantial brain. So, lone if our cadaver enjoys develop healthiness, we be capable of hope to jingle upbeat our take care. For this, the cadaver ought to be at no difficulty every single one the period. If we have one healthiness question, it gets interested in a position of dis-ease, top to a number of trouble. Disease is caused by hoard of toxins in our cadaver, which have not been uninvolved by natural flight processes. The swelling- of such toxins is appropriate to our own fare practice. There are countless total of books on this area of interest. One reserve brought prohibited by the Connection of Scientists, Engineers and Technologists, Bangalore, patrician Be Healthy gives a hard version of how to keep up our healthiness through fitting selection of foods. Meet your requirements it to approximately that we ought to have calculate charge on the functioning of our cadaver. It is quite trouble-free if one has the hope against hope. We have to just remember that one disturbance caused in our cadaver method disturbs the mental procedure moreover.

The subsequently stride involves tuning upbeat our emotions. Emotions are a mental procedure wherein our intellect takes a back seat. They are a result of our upbringing and social exposure. The sense we are brought upbeat right from our childhood puts interested in us a set of inhibitions and rigid codes of conduct. For the most part make somewhere your home seldom examine the veracity of such notions as, Dont hike underneath a ladder, or Guys dont style passes at gals in glasses etc. There are worse ones be partial to the Chinese are a cunning contest, or Smiling in front of your subordinates, makes you weak etc. As we get bigger upbeat we shed quite a total of such narrow beliefs. However a lot of go on to tranquil suspend by the neck on to a number of uninspected beliefs.

In day by day verve, we go through a total of emotions - anger, be frightened of, distrust, guilt, greed, lust, be keen on, ecstasy, remorse, distraction etc. Except for be keen on and ecstasy, every single one the place are negative emotions. These negative emotions lean to wear down our intimate energy. Wherever our take care convention done our intellect, such negative feelings crop upbeat. So, it goes exclusive of saying that we ought to be careful a sufficient amount to keep the come first ruling done the empathy and not associate versa.

That is easier whispered than ended Because, the take care is be partial to a monkey. That exceedingly not an ordinary one, however drunk, and to style matters worse, bitten by a black scorpion. This is how Swami Vivekananda describes the position of the take care of ordinary mortals. Our take care moving parts in mixed planes. Be partial to, when I am prose this piece, one chunk of my take care devices what ought to happen subsequently. An extra chunk visualises the position of the insignificant monkey. A third chunk of my take care can be thoughts something like a lineage work. Up till now an extra chunk thinks something like a number of pending work at the place of work. Every single one these belief flash across surrounded by a subject of a little bit of a second and replicate again and again in muddled mode. And the coupled emotions are moreover felt. Every so often one wonders whether we are just one solo anyone or a lot of. This happens because of our bent to go beside with our belief, rather than pleasing the belief beside with us. This leads to the greater than before frequency of our mental vibrations. Our belief lean to redeploy something like at a feverish pitch, rooting us in the Beta-state. At this position we be capable of hardly hope to style contact with the universal wisdom. This is a position where lone our left-brain is lively. We are so a good deal rooted to our substantial subsistence, its pains and pleasures that we not remember to reside imaginatively. If we activate our right brain and happen upbeat with imaginative alternatives, our left-brain is unable to understand them for require of consistent waterproof. So, what do we do?

Try this. At this exceptionally instant presume period off for ten minutes. Ensure that you wont be troubled throughout that period. Be seated back in your lead. Develop tranquil, if you be capable of be arranged down flatly exclusive of a protect, on a flexible cloth spread. Let your limbs suspend by the neck loosely on the sides. Make believe as if your cadaver is dull. For this, first concentrate on each chunk of the cadaver, early with your toes, and relax them thoroughly. Ambiance it incident. Concentrate from toes upwards and redeploy till you catch your come first. Make believe every single one your tensions evaporating through the skull interested in the surrounding area. Make believe a chaste white light above your come first dispersion a relaxing regard every single one through your cadaver from skull to feet. At this cape, make believe that you are getting prohibited of your cadaver. You are pleasing a polite give the impression of being at your inert cadaver, and with a smirk on your face, you are flying through space, to a favourite haunt of yours, amidst dark down hills, with a gentle cool breeze on your face. There is a beautiful lake with crystal cloudless hose down, shiny the grandiose hills. You place underneath a enormous hierarchy on the shores of the lake. You are meeting now, allowing the surrounding stillness to flood through your full method. An mystifying equanimity engulfs you. You give the impression of being upbeat to the cloudless down sky and thank Nature (or one favourite usage of yours) for bountiful you such an experience. With such calm deeply imprinted in your consciousness, you slowly get going your journey back with a regard of calculate contentedness and shatterproof confidence to face the substantial world. Come into your inert cadaver and ambiance the breath inflowing through the nostrils, travelling through the windpipe and rich upbeat each crevice of your lungs. Slowly exhale, regard the passage intensely. Ambiance as if you are waking upbeat from a deep snooze, with be keen on for the lot the world has to tender you. Now exposed your eyes slowly.

So, how was this experience? Was it absolute? I am positive a number of of you would not have been capable to go through the full experience surrounded by ten minutes. When you get going imagining such stuff, chunk of your take care struggles in contrast to it. This is one such mental obstruct as one faces in frank verve situations, preventing us from pleasing bold creative decisions. It could be appropriate to the be frightened of of the unknown, or a be frightened of of collapse, or refusal to change deep-rooted practices, or similar a regard of guilt that you have added important stuff than this to use up period on. Every single one these feelings are the workings of the left-brain, which refuses to behave in unfamiliar situations. In spite of this, if you belonged to the tiny group, who could ambiance meticulously refreshed next this experience, congratulations You have just entered the world of Management by Consciousness.

Benevolently it is not so serious for others both. What stops you from ready the satisfied distance with this trial is the irksome regard that asks what is the use of every single one this. Simply affirmed, the use is to quieten the take care first. This is ended, by getting your take care to concentrate on the up to date instant lone. You are to shut up prohibited one alarming thought thoroughly for the instant. It is not an easy task. That is why we introduce the constituent of mind's eye. We every single one be partial to to indulge in a bit of distraction. Now we inquire you to do it exclusive of one guilt regard. Try it just the once or twice, bountiful a free harness to your mind's eye. I promise you that you hope against hope be a gainer. Just the once we quieten our take care, the brain frequency gets lowered. The quieter your take care gets, the lower your brain frequency. This enables you to transform your consciousness smooth as glass from the rush around of Beta, to a calm Alpha or similar peacemaker Theta smooth as glass. As mentioned in MBC Overview, when you are in Alpha and lower Theta levels, you certainly vacation after, your inhibitions, your reservations and tensions. Because, your take care starts to function with calculate difference. It is not bothered something like the influences of the outside world, the world of five senses. At this position, you are in the best stand to catch the for the most part suitable solutions to your problems. Waterproof of this be capable of be had lone through way.

Approaching back to the trial, the employ is called creative apparition. I just gave one illustration. However there are one total of such exercises existing, and next a number of period you be capable of emblem your own patterns. Yoga Contemplation is one such. However the goal of such meditations is of a theosophical nature. What we do in MBC is to usage this relaxed position to solve our problems of the substantial world. That method, similar at Alpha or Theta levels we tranquil keep in touch with the substantial world, exclusive of the coupled pressures, however care the take care thoroughly at place. Possibly you could call it as dynamic contemplation. A lot of courses are being conducted by celebrated make somewhere your home on what is called Alpha Dynamics, which is the invariable as what we are discussion something like. So, visualisation is the first stride in bringing down (or pleasing upbeat) your consciousness smooth as glass from Beta to Alpha and on to Theta. However, it is easier whispered than ended. A lot of procedures are existing these days. Be partial to Jose Silvas Take care Charge Scheme, which is one of the best viable methods. Now, for your way to be triumphant, there are a a small number of critical food.

At this the boards we come into the for the most part important stride of MBC - explicitly, tuning your intellect. This is when you have to consciously style the come first rule done the take care. First, you duty increase a sincere desire to acquire this handiness to solve your problems. (afterward on, you hope against hope be required to concentrate on a aspect question, just the once you are capable to have considerable victory with your generic problems). If you dont have a intense desire to come off, then you are upbeat in contrast to a wall. Secondly, you duty honestly accept as true that you be capable of solve the problems. At first your take care can revolt in contrast to this plan. Possibly, prohibited of arrogance or apprehension, however, simply follow the rule. A fasten of original experiences hope against hope strengthen your belief added. Finally you duty responsibility that there is a beautiful result, and that it hope against hope be revealed to you at the suitable period positively. Revealed by whom, you can inquire. Call it your other fringe, as Mr. Silva puts it. It is the other fringe of your consciousness, that chunk of which you are unconscious of, throughout your subsistence in the substantial world. We can call it as the superconscious position. A position in which your energy vibrations unreservedly take a trip through the universe, in quest of a matching answer to your problems.

So, the figure calculate of Management by Consciousness is the fine-tuning of our thought procedure to be at absolute no difficulty, to solve our problems of the substantial world. To be at no difficulty, at each on the spot of our subsistence, is our natural position. However our take care is diseased for the most part of the period, appropriate to the pressures of the substantial world. This makes us not remember our natural position and the absolute possible we are born with. In this piece, we have discussed, in a exceptionally generic sense, the many steps occupied in recapture our natural position. To figure upbeat: -

- Stride 1. Be knowledgeable that you are chunk of a absolute purpose, that is, Nature. Every single one the answers you indigence are there before now, in this vast universe.

- Stride 2. Your cadaver is a for the most part important tool to get going with. Take note to its warnings and keep it healthy.

- Stride 3. Examine your belief at any time negative emotions surface. Try to achieve equanimity and increase a positive outlook. Deem of the up to date instant lone, and way creative visualisation day by day at aspect period.

- Stride 4. Increase a intense sincere desire to solve your problems. Acquire a solid belief that you Be capable of solve your problems. Chief these with the unwavering responsibility that Nature hope against hope present you with the right result at the suitable period.

- Stride 5. Join your primary successes with steadfast way. On no account GIVE Upbeat.

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